Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Quick Note

An addition to that How to Write protags thing (found here):

While perfection can be rather annoying, I believe we still need that type of character. In the midst of the messages we receive from the world (I believe you know what I mean), they're characters we can look up to they're role models, and they have a place in writing. Just as long as they're not overdone or too plentiful.

And there. *slinks back into oblivion*


  1. I agree. :) I like Gandalf characters - they're wise, guides and powerful. Also Frodo characters, who teach that you should persevere even in the most difficult of situations and trudge in. I wouldn't call them perfect, but rather very decent role models.

  2. Sowwy it took me so long to get to this.

    Yes, I agree. Specially Gandalf.
