Sunday, March 9, 2014


I decided to share this short story with you because it's my birthday (or will be by the time you're reading this). It's more personal than Redemption, and it's not just for girls, just as Redemption isn't for guys. I just decided to use a female point of view for this one. I wrote this one with many sighs and a few tears. It's as much for myself as it is for those who inspired the story.
Yes, you may share it if you so desire, but in the occasion that you do, please link back to my blog. Thanks. I'd like to hear your feedback as always, so please, comment away.


I'm huddled against a tree, hardly shelter from the pelting rain. He is coming, and I don't want to be in his presence.
He gave me my dress a long time ago, trusting that I would keep care of it. I can't face him now. It's stained with every kind of dross imaginable.
I know that He knows exactly where I am, but desperately I hope against hope that just this once He doesn't. It's no use.
His footsteps draw nearer, and I cry out in fear. "No," I gasp. "Stay away! You don't want me!"
He comes closer. "Dearest daughter," He says, "do you know what I did because I wanted you?" He asks gently.
"No, no! That wasn't for me!"
He smiles, grief emanating from His gaze, yet pure love shining from His eyes. "Yes, it was."
I shake my head, trembling. He doesn't know what I've done. All the shame. All the scars. If he did, he wouldn't be wanting me.
"You don't know who I am, what I've done. If you did, you would never want me. I'm wretched, worthless. I've spoiled all you've given me." I know he does know all that, but that doesn't register until after the words have left me.
His smile only grows brighter. "Yes, you've done and are all that you say, but I still love you. I know who you are, and I know everything you've done. I knew everything you would do before you were alive, and I smiled and said, 'I want that one!' I knew you would hurt me, yet I died for you. I was beaten, shamed, and murdered for your sake.
How could you love me after all I've done to you?" I sob. "After all the pain I inflicted upon you? After all I've done to what you gave to me to protect? Why don't you reject me like I deserve?"He reaches towards me, and I flinch, expecting Him to punish me. Instead, His hands are gentle, and the smile on His face hasn't faded an inch.
"My dear child, you were forgiven long before you stained you gown you were to protect. I saw all that, yet I still wanted you. I died so your sins could be washed away."
Walls break down, and I begin to sob uncontrollably. I'm vaguely aware of Him drawing me into a warm embrace. The stains on my garments fade away, and I'm left with a dress of brilliant white. A broken whisper escapes my lips. "If you knew all I'd do you, how could you love me?"
He smiles sadly at me. "You still don't understand," He murmurs. "Little one, I did all that because I already loved you. It's been forgiven. Paid for."
Light dawns as the sun lifts over the horizon, and I blink in the light of morning. I hadn't even noticed the rain stop.
His voice is calm and quiet as He strokes my hair. "I know you will stumble. I know you will doubt me. You're still being made; you're still growing. No matter how you fall, no matter what you do, I will always love you. I've cleansed you with My blood and you are new. You are my child, I will never let you go."


So whatever you've done,
Whatever you'll do,
God knew it all yet he said,
"I want you!"

Now on this day, my birthday day,
I give a light to mark the way.
To my wonderful siblings in Christ,
A simple tool in a vic'try sure fight.

If you ever want a list'ning ear,
You've already found one: this soul right here.
This silly girl would love to help,
And she's totally not perfect herself!

I'll do my best and hear you out,
Together we can scout the route.
So shoot me an email, and we'll chatter away.
We'll fight together, come what may.


Thanks for reading!


  1. That was simply heart wrenching, Kya. Totally awesome.

  2. Hmm, that's very good, Light. ^_^ And happy birthday little sis! =D

  3. Incredible!

    For a moment I thought it broke through to me...


  4. *smiles* Thanks. :)

    I hope that's a good thing...
